The Colfax Library has something for everyone–even teens! Are you looking for information for a school project? We have books and online resources that can help you find what you need. Do you just want to relax with a good book? We’ve got you covered there, too!
Helpful Links for Young Adults:
- Young Adult Book Lists by
- Purdue’s Online Writing Lab – Conducting Research
- Homework Hotline by the Rose Hulman Institute
- Jobs for Teens Database
Inspire’s Student Research Center
Term papers, essays, and book reports all require reliable information from trusted sources. Use’s Student Research Center to research your next school project. The Student Research Center contains reliable sources, including newspapers & magazines, biographies, government reports & studies, primary sources, books & encyclopedias, photos, maps, radio & TV transcripts, and more. INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library.
Upcoming Events and Programs