Service Fees
Multifunction Copier- $.25 per page color / $.10 per page b/w*
Public Access Copier – $.25 per page color / $.10 per page b/w*
* No charge for printing student homework & related Internet reference pages, as approved by the Library Director and staff.
$1.00 per running Foot
The Library and/or staff are not responsible for any damage that may occur to materials while being laminated. Only flat, smooth paper may be laminated. (no glitter, decorations, etc.) The laminator will be operated only by authorized library staff. Staff will process laminated projects when convenient within normal library hours.
Calling a minimum of 30 minutes in advance to request laminating service will allow time for the machine to reach proper temperature and minimize wait time for the patron. Otherwise, materials may be left at the library and picked up at a later time.
Library staff reserves the right to refuse to perform laminating services, if they feel the material does not meet previously stated restrictions or might be damaged in the process
$.50 per page