Lending Periods
Adult & juvenile and books on tape shall be loaned for a period of three (3) weeks.
New Release Videos & DVDs
New release videos and DVDs shall be loaned for a period of three (3) days (non-renewable), for eight (8) weeks following release. A limit of two (2) new-release videos/DVDs may be checked out per library patron card. At the end of the 8-week period, videos/DVDs shall be loaned for a period of one (1) week.
Reference Books
Reference books and materials shall be loaned for overnight usage, at the discretion of the Library Director. Current encyclopedias shall not be loaned for use outside the library.
Magazines shall be loaned for a period of one (1) week.
Overdue Materials
After one (1) day of grace, books, books on tape, videos/DVDs, or magazines are “overdue” and the borrower shall incur an overdue fine in the amount of twenty-five (25) cents per day, per item.
Overdue Fines
New Releases – $.25 per day per item
Books – $.25 per day per item
Books on Tape – $.25 per day per item
Magazines – $.25 per day per item
Videos – $.25 per day per item
DVDs – $.25 per day per item
Unreturned Items
After a period of six-months, a borrower shall be requested to replace the borrowed material at the following rates:
Replacement Fines
Adult Fiction – $20.00
Adult Nonfiction – $25.00
Juvenile Fiction – $12.00
Juvenile Nonfiction – $15.00
Books on Tape – $12.00
Magazines – $3.00
Paperback Books – $3.00
Videos – $12.00
DVDs – $20.00